Is tech disruption threatening the PR industry?

Is tech disruption threatening the PR industry?

Is tech disruption threatening the PR industry?

June 10, 2024

Absolutely not. Tech or the “AI era” is not threatening the PR industry; in fact, it is enhancing and collaborating with it. Technology, particularly AI and data analytics, is revolutionising PR by providing powerful tools for media monitoring, sentiment analysis, and personalised content creation. These advancements are enabling PR and Comms professionals to deliver more targeted, effective, and timely campaigns or manage crises better.

Rather than replacing the human element, tech is enhancing our strategic capabilities, allowing us to focus on creative storytelling and relationship-building. Embracing technology will only push us to deliver greater value to our clients. It is safe to say that the tech and PR collaboration is fostering innovation and driving the industry forward in a positive direction.

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