Highlights of 2022 from the Heneghan team

Highlights of 2022 from the Heneghan team

Highlights of 2022 from the Heneghan team

June 10, 2024

Highlights from 2022 from the Heneghan team

As we begin 2023, some of the Heneghan team have reflected on our experiences and successes in 2022 and what we are looking forward to this year.


Nigel Heneghan, Managing Director


"Entrepreneurs - In the sometimes-frantic ecosphere of start-up businesses, we provide a measured strategic communications approach with hugely impactful and positive outcomes; and achieve consistent outstanding results in a calm and structured manner. We help companies get their message across to effectively promote their product or service or frequently in support of a fundraising objective. Over the past year, the Heneghan team was privileged to work with a range of companies and their leaders, including start-ups covering the sustainability and fintech spaces. A key dimension was the internationalisation of communications for a number of these companies, where we provided strategic solutions which were activated in the media and achieved impact on a global scale. Accordingly, successful outcomes were achieved for Carbon Collect; NoFrixion; Treemetrics; Swoop; and Spearline. The team looks forward to seeing further positive development and growth by these businesses in 2023. Our door is open to the start-up and early stage sector.

Exit Ban - Irish aviation executive Richard O'Halloran was denied exit from China for three years. I worked with Richard for most of this time and witnessed incredible personal strength and fortitude by him; his wife Tara; and their young family. Periodically, there were strategic media engagements, but it was a sensitive project, which often meant maintaining a low public presence. The media was eminently helpful in understanding and respecting the nuances involved, but also in striking the hugely important balance of keeping Richard's plight in the public consciousness. Saturday 29th January 2022 was a special day, as it marked the very welcome return of Richard to his wife and family. It was a privilege to work with the O'Hallorans and to witness an incredibly emotional and happy outcome."


Michael Hall, Account Executive

"This year saw work and life returning to normality following two years of the pandemic. It was great to get to see colleagues and clients in person again, as opposed to just on a monitor.

2022 was my first full year with the agency after joining in May 2021 and during the year I have worked with some great clients and some fantastic projects. This has included work on public information evenings for Cancer Care West to support its aim of developing a Centre for Excellence for cancer treatment in the western region. 2022 also saw Heneghan support the Law Reform Commission on publishing two Consultation Papers on legal reform in Ireland. I was delighted to be part of the team for these projects.

I look forward to 2023, working with current and hopefully new clients, and the stories we will help them tell."


Louise McNamee, Consultant

"For me, the highlight of 2022 was returning to the office and getting to communicate face to face with colleagues. While remote working has its benefits and certainly served a purpose in times of uncertainty, I believe that being back in the office with colleagues whether that is full time or hybrid working, leads to greater positive morale and team spirit, which for me is a more enjoyable working day.

The most rewarding campaign I worked on this year was for Cancer Care West and the much-needed Cancer Centre of Excellence for the West and Northwest of Ireland. As well as being professionally rewarding, with excellent results achieved from a media and political engagement perspective, the campaign it was also personally rewarding to be part of such a worthwhile initiative for cancer care for the people of the West of Ireland. I look forward to a successful year ahead in 2023!"


Colm Kearns, Senior Account Manager

"2022 marked an exciting year with some great new projects and clients, particularly in the technology sector. I also had the pleasure of working on a number of landmark announcements for existing clients including M&A announcements, international expansion, the launch of new services, new client wins, as well as some fantastic initiatives in the CSR space.

Some highlights included the launch of Actavo's first direct to consumer brand: HomeCharge, NoFrixion's Raise of €3.6 million in seed funding, Wisetek's opening of a new facility in Massachusetts, Treemetrics winning a major contract with the European Space Agency, and SYS Group entering into a strategic partnership with PGM Financial Services, to name just a few!

It was particularly gratifying to be able to meet people and attend events more regularly in person this year, as well as spending more time with colleague's face to face.

I believe in 2022 we made great strides in continuing to broaden our knowledge and skills as an agency, and I also include myself personally in that respect. I hope that 2023 brings with it more of the same."


Gavin Daly, Consultant

"As 2022 was my first full year working as a consultant to Heneghan, the highlight was really getting to know the clients, the business and - most importantly - the people behind it. Working on detailed pitches and proposals allowed me to get under the bonnet with clients (and prospective clients) and really understand the depth of service Heneghan can offer across media relations, public affairs, social/digital media, crisis communications, media training and many other areas.

The return of in-person meetings - both internally at Heneghan and externally with clients - was a personal highlight after being confined to Teams and Zoom for so long. Virtual meetings certainly have a place, but you can't beat in-person for the dynamism, sharing of ideas and getting things done!"


Fiona Peppard, Senior Account Manager

"2022 was without a doubt the busiest year since I joined Heneghan in 2018 - in a great way. From the 1st of January, we hit the ground running with a busy day announcing the first babies of the year born in the Rotunda Hospital, and we maintained momentum over the next 12 months!

A personal highlight for me was to be involved in a number of campaigns centered around raising awareness of issues facing women in society and healthcare. This included an ongoing effort with the teams at Sims IVF to battle stigmas associated with fertility and a campaign to address biases in women's healthcare through the fantastic Science Week 2022 project with the RCSI Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 'BIAS: Inequality in Women's Health and Research'. It was very rewarding to be involved in these important initiatives and to shine a light on these issues.

2022 also saw a shift in our clients' priorities with an increased focus on digital, as we worked to enhance the online presence of a range of organisations through native and paid content. We also delivered training to salon owners, barbers, hairdressers and beauticians across Ireland, in a series of virtual workshops with Image Skillnet, enabling us to reach industry experts across the country.

I was incredibly lucky to work on some high-profile projects, with both new and existing clients, including Swoop, ISME and SSE Renewables to name a few. In December, I had the pleasure of working with iconic hamburger brand Wendy's - and its team in Dublin, Ohio - to announce the exciting news of its intent to enter the Irish market.

I look forward to seeing what 2023 brings and to getting started on some exciting plans that are already in motion for next year!"


Sadbh Shanahan, Intern

"This year I have had the pleasure of starting a 6-month internship with Heneghan Strategic Communications in August. Starting an internship right after the pandemic has been incredibly exciting as in-person meetings and events are becoming more normal and frequent.I have had a wonderful time so far working here and have been afforded fantastic experience in communications and public relations. Learning from everyone around me and having an environment in which people allow you to see the ins and outs of operations is so enlightening. Being present at the team meeting each week was a huge benefit as I was able to gain an insight into the clients we have and what people in the office were working on..

I have had many highlights this year, but I think my favourite of those highlights have been getting to attend the opening of a new Menopause hub in the Rotunda Hospital and being able to see what goes into the event before and after and helping with the running of social media accounts for some of our clients. My internship has allowed me to grow the skills I had and develop a wide range of experience in an area that I have always found incredibly intriguing, and I look forward to 2023."

To talk to the Heneghan team today or to find out more about our services, visit: https://heneghan.ie/contact-us/

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